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Introduction - SNAP programs - Further Information Splash - NOMS 2004 Background InformationSNMP Plus a Lightweight API for SNAP HandlingIntroductionA research paper discussing Splash has been sent to the (NOMS 2004). Due to the limited space available for conference papers we were unable to include complete SNAP program listings in this paper. Therefore we have made them available through this page. Please read our paper, `SNMP Plus a Lightweight API for SNAP Handling: SPLASH', before continuing. SNAP ProgramsFor the research paper 3 types of programs have been created: performance test programs, prototype functionality programs and example functionality programs. Below you can find links to the sourcecode of these sets of programs. Performance Test ProgramsThe performance tests were run both with SNMP and SNAP. For SNMP we've encoded the instructions similarly to SNAP packets and executed them using a combined version of the snmpget and snmpset instructions: snmpgetandset. The sourcecode for this application can be in the net-snmp-5.0.6-snap.diff patch. Retrieve this file from our CVS server here. The following is a listing of performance SNAP packets:
And here are their SNMP equivalents.
Prototype Functionality ProgramsThe functionality tests discuss four programs, i.e. the surveyor, the distributed surveyor, the autonomous surveyor and the stateful network. For clarity, we've created two sets of these programs; one set containing only the necessary networking instructions (prototype packets) and another containing the example requests discussed in the paper. The following list links to the prototype packets. Example Functionality ProgramsThe following URLs link to example packets as discussed in the NOMS 2004 paper. Note that not all of the examples in the paper were discussed thoroughly. Where blank, we inserted our own scenario. Further informationThe packets linked to on this page can be hard to decipher without a basic understanding of assembly and more specifically the SNAP bytecode language. Information on the SNAP language can be found in the general documentation area of this website (use the navigation bar on the left) and in Appendix A of the following document: Practical Active Packets; a Phd Dissertation. In Chapter 7 of Applying High Speed Active Networking to Network Management (PostScript) the 1GET example packet is discussed thoroughly, as is an extended version of this packet that resembles the surveyor. More packets will be added to the project's documentation in the course of time. A few extra packets can already be found in the CVS repository, under [snapsnmp/code/snap_packets]. |